Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Could Someone Do Scat

It's time to clean up the home before starting the Chinese New Year this February 3, 2011.

This is the text of Feng Shui master R. Silva


The BIG ANNUAL CLEANING or Spring Cleaning Action, is a Chinese tradition to end a year and opening another with a fresh energy and new, making a thorough cleaning before the start of the date known as CHUN LI. It is a day that serves to preserve the good fortune to undo the bad luck and invite a new opportunity for the new year. Failure to make the Great Annual Clean is said that all who live in that house in particular, will feel apathetic and emotionally disordered in the new year.

Rules to follow based on the luck he had during the year:
1 .- If you enjoyed a good harvest, and happy moments generally a good year with accomplishments, you should start sweeping from the front door into the house, that is to keep the positive energy that was received during the year.

2 .- If you had a bad year, with moments of sadness and loss, you should start to sweep from one corner of the house, diagonal to the door (away the door) and sweep out towards the front door to get it out that energy and allow you to enter new luck.

3 .- If you want to start all over again from scratch (ie regardless of whether they experienced a good or a bad year) can start to sweep from the inside of the house to the front door and outside the house to the front door. In this case, you should pick a day, broken, and the right day to do this will be on January 28, 2011 (Conflict Ox)

These are the appropriate dates for Great Spring Clean XIN MAO 2011:
January 23, 2011, Conflict MONO.
January 27, 2011, Conflict RAT.
January 30, 2011, Conflict RABBIT.

People born in the Chinese year listed as the conflict in that particular day, should not take part in the cleanup activities to prevent injuries.

In short, there are 4 days that are favorable for the Great Annual Spring Clean XIN MAO Golden Rabbit 2011, the first date is on Friday, January 28, 2011, this date is used when assessing year and has been both a good year as a bad year, but want to start a new year from scratch, this Friday January 28, 2011, people born in the year of OX should refrain from participating in cleanup actions to prevent any risk.

The next three dates, are also useful Great for Spring Cleaning 2011:

January 23, 2011, Conflict MONO.
January 27, 2011, Conflict RAT.
January 30, 2011, Conflict RABBIT.

are days of entry of the Chinese solar year XIN MAO Golden Rabbit, which will be February 4, 2011 then perform the Great Annual Clean according to the function of the fate that had during the year mentioned in Rules 1 and 2. The garbage collection simply send the trash and municipal street car.


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