Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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dirge Dante, Dante Alioli

In the Red Room Dr. Albiñana, from Valencia (born in the village of Enguera), among other adjectives used to denigrate Dante dirge and Aioli (page 38). Both words are common in Valencia but to my surprise also appear in the dictionary of the Royal Academy of English Language.

According to SAR, colloquially known as the singing mournful dirge of burials and Valencian dirge say that one is equivalent to convey the idea that you are less than two television news in this world. So the first insult that casts a tequila past Albiñana Dante, could be translated as it is with one foot in the hereafter and raves, or just because their lines are little more than a mournful song.

As for the other adjective, Aioli, actually a noun has a phonetic similarity with Alighieri, who Albiñana used in a derogatory way, is a castellanización of Catalan word "all-i-oli" which translates ajoaceite. It is an emulsion made of crushed garlic and oil, traditionally carried out in a mortar. Again I turn to another popular expression Valencia: "This month marejat Eixe an aioli" ("that is more sick than a ajoaceite"). Given its level ethyl possibly did not "hook" that last and stay with phonetic similarity, but there is always the possibility that it was aware of the meaning Aioli as a charlatan who did not know that he wrote "because I used to cap the end of his speech.

Albiñana saves not "praise" Dante, with these two words, dirge and Aioli, describes it as an unstable person who does not know what world you live, and raves confuses everything. I guess all this happened without even taking a look at the " Divine Comedy " one of the masterpieces of Italian literature.


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