Monday, September 6, 2010

Leaf Blower Compaision


I discussed with you the importance of creative visualization as a powerful source of our minds in the world of quantum physics. Quantum physics shows that everything is energy, and while in school and learned that, that "energy is not destroyed or created, only transformed" never thought that we are able to transform energy with our mind. Before planting
exercise this week, I invite those who do not know, read my article on creative visualization.

today's exercise we will do in the shower. We swam as an aspect of personal hygiene, and we go through pleasant to feel the water in our bodies.
I know people in the shower takes only 5 minutes, and foodies know it takes an hour in the shower. This time do not mention the bath tub.
An essential creative visualization exercise to start the day, bathing in the shower as energy security.
recommend that if in the morning we swam quickly because it's getting late, we
lift up 10 minutes early to use this time in the beginning visualización.Quizás be hard to beat the habit the bathroom very quickly, but with 20 days of evidence, be set up this new habit. You will live the results, almost miraculously, if we did not know the laws of quantum physics.

EXERCISE .- First, we bathe as usual. When finished, close the shower. In this case, do not stop hacemos.Nos upright, eyes gently closed, and breathing through the mouth to be more comfortable. The water from the shower falling on our heads. The arms are relaxed position on the sides of the body. Legs spread slightly, in line with shoulders.
hands closed circuit energy ring fingers and shoulders indice.Los atrás.Las legs slightly bent so your knees are aligned with the tip of pies.El body weight falls on our legs in this position and the spine rests.

visualize the water that falls on our head, is a stream of white energy that covers and protects us. (This always happens, but we do not consciously). We count five 5/10- breathing when breathing through the mouth, we have 10 to release the air through the nose. With eyes closed, visualize as the water is covering, cleansing, purifying and protecting us. We are under a beautiful waterfall, set in a wonderful green forest. We remain well
5 to 10 minutes, experiencing the softness of feeling throughout your body, feeling like we are increasingly protected and covered by a shield of purity that is growing as an oval area that surrounds our body.
At the end of time. when we think we have spent the 10 minutes (although only one minute has passed, while we carried our sensitivity KAIROS-time, unlike CRONOS, that governs us our daily rhythms and citations), our eyes slowly open and close the shower . Bruscos.Cuidado.Gocemos hard not to move the changing colors around us and peace of mind adquirida.Con this protection, we can be alone all day.


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