Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Genetal Discoloration

Sancho, astronomer

In chap. XLI Part 2 of "Don Quixote" I was surprised to find a reference to an astronomical object that is not the sun or moon. Indeed Sancho in "his" story Flight Clavileño mounted frees your imagination and we "illustrates" a spacewalk.

-... It happened that we were going by where the seven wavelets, and in God and my soul that I in my childhood I was in my own goatherd, that as I saw them, gave me a desire to entertain them for a while. ..! And if you do not comply I think it ruptured. Come then, and take, and what do I do? Without telling anyone, my lord not pretty and I got out of Clavileño raisins, and amused myself with the wavelets, which are like wallflowers as flowers, almost three quarters of an hour, and Clavileño did not move from one place or moved on.

"And while the good Sancho was amusing himself with the goats," said the duke, "what amused Mr. Don Quijote?

To which Don Quixote replied:

"Like all these things and these such events are outside the natural order, is not much that Sancho says what he says. For myself, I found myself saying that neither ignored nor depth, nor saw heaven nor earth, neither the sea nor the sand. It is true that I felt I was passing through the region of the air, and even that was up to the fire, but to go from there I can not believe, therefore, having the region of fire between heaven of the moon and the last region air, we could not get to heaven where the seven wavelets that Sancho says, without scorching; and therefore we are not shriveled, or lying or Sancho Sancho dreams.

Don Quixote dismounted "scientifically" with the knowledge of the time, the walk of Sancho, or a liar or a dreamer.

-Ni treatment nor sleep, "said Sancho," if not, ask me the address of such goats, and they will see if I speak the truth or not.

"Tell, then, Sancho," said the duchess.

-Son, "said Sancho," the two greens, two embodiments, the two blue and one in mixed .

Interestingly Sancho is right in part with the colors of the wavelets, are blue. It also shows good vision for more than 5 and requires a high visual acuity. It certainly was not myopic.

-new way of goats is that, "said the duke, and this is our area of \u200b\u200bland not used those colors, I mean goats of such colors.

The Duke mosque and produced a clever cross taunts with Sancho.

"Well of course that," said Sancho, "if that difference is to be the goats of heaven to the ground.

"Tell me, Sancho, the Duke asked:" Did you see there in a goat among those goats?

"No, sir," replied Sancho, "but I heard that none passed the horns of the moon.

Well, the astronomical object that describes Sancho is not a constellation as it appears in a footnote to the page in my Anaya volume but an open cluster (cluster of stars without a clearly defined center), consisting of young blue stars are also other names such as the Pleiades or M45 (Messier 45), visible to the naked eye can see up to 7 stars close together (the 8 th is frankly difficult) in the constellation Taurus, of course in a moonless sky without light pollution, but a small telescope reveals as many more in this cluster that contains over a 500 stars. In late July, in the northern hemisphere, latitude 40 degrees, "exit" from the northeast at about 2 o'clock in the morning, best to wait until autumn when it is possible see them at the best time and highest on the sky.

I hope I have chopped your curiosity and try to see them. Follow this link if you want to know a little more " Pleiades. For my part, from now, when you see the 7 wavelets remember the" famous adventure Sore or the owner Clavileño. "


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