Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tommy Hilfiger Tattoos

Seventh and Last Day - Friday 3

We got breakfast and then headed to the awards ceremony, all together.

After a speech to inaugurate the ceremony began the process that we are so full of nerves.
The order of merit is:
Gold Medals Silver Medals
Bronze-Medal Honorable Mention
is, you may receive either of these, or none, according to their performance on tests. All speeches commented that the mere fact of being involved was enough merit and that it has achieved to get a mention should not be less than anyone else, accepted unanimanete question.

happiness I have to tell you that I received the bronze medal for the exams that I paid. Also proud to say that all members of the delegation of our beloved country received endorsements:
-Mark and Sebastian received Honorable Mentions
-Augusto and I received Bronze Medals
Here We are celebrating our achievements:

After this joyous celebration, the sad process began saying goodbye to everyone. It was really hard and we forge strong relationships and we promise to try to grow despite the distances. Here are some of the delegations with which we reach take a picture:
Along with the Delegation of Spain

Along with the Delegation of Uruguay

Along with the Delegation of Cuba

To conclude, I mean I spent one of the best experiences of my life here. Beyond the academic environment, this event meant (at least for me) a change in my perspective of seeing the world and people around me. I am extremely happy to have been able to get the bronze when I felt not amount to anything, but I have to admit that the joy that gives me is nothing compared to what gave me this trip, its people and their experiences. I want to thank you for joining me either through this blog or other means, but really, more than anything (and please do not be offended), my thanks go to the delegations of those 18 countries that shared this week with me making it an unforgettable experience .

Thus, while ending my participation in the XIII Iberoamerican Physics Olympiad in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico United States, I conclude my contribution to this blog I hope to have found enjoyable and perhaps useful.

Thank you all.

Alejandro Ezequiel Wajs


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